To create a 1-on-1 video interview project, click "Create Project" from the Dashboard, then start by filling in the basic information about your study. This includes the name of the project, a notification that participants will need a camera and microphone for the study, and any additional instructions for participants.
Next, paste a link to your video interview (e.g., a link to a Zoom room).
Within the study cost section, specify that your project requires 5 participants, even though you are only interviewing 1. This is because a participant may accept and hold a study for a while before entering. Setting the number to 5 better ensures that someone will enter your video interview shortly after the launch.
Specify the payment and interview length. We recommend paying at a rate of $12 per hour for video interviews to ensure that participants enter your study.
The participant targeting section allows you to control who is eligible for your study. The demographic characteristics allow you to target participants by variables like age, gender, ethnicity, etc., while Platform Targeting allows you to control sample composition based on things like participants' participation in past studies.
Please note: The more the targeting is restricted, the longer it will take for a participant to enter the video interview.
Finally, in the last section labeled “Completion” you should select Completion Code. You will give this code to any participant who completes your Zoom interview.
After setting up your study, select "Save changes." The study will now move to your dashboard.
When you are ready to conduct your video interview, launch it from your dashboard and allow a couple of minutes for participants to begin entering the study.
Once you receive a participant in your video interview, pause the study on your dashboard so that no additional participants enter the video interview.
It is helpful to use a platform such as Zoom which has a waiting room feature. Any additional participants who enter your video interview after an interview is already in session will be directed to the waiting room. You can then send them a message to return the study and bonus them a small amount for their efforts.
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